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Preaching the Gospel: Past, Present, and Future
A look at current conversations about the gospel and what they might mean for our preaching
A Better Way for Forward Thinkers
Why the Church of Tomorrowland is looking backward.
Planting Gardens in Prison: Why We Labor for Shalom Now
Even though we know we can't usher in God's kingdom, we're still called to establish order, beauty, and abundance in this life.
Uncommon Callings
To reach a new generation, we must affirm not just God's general callings, but people's specific callings.
Rick Warren on Radical Membership
Are you unknowingly encouraging your attenders to commit "spiritual adultery"?
Tim Keller on Justification and Justice
Addressing doctrinal divisions on day one of the Q conference.
Mission & Justice on Capitol Hill
Jim Wallis and Mark Dever go head-to-head on one of the hottest issues in the church today.
The Ambition Engine
Ambition can drive us to service to God and others, or it can be a veneer that hides far less noble motivations.
Skye Jethani: Redefining Radical (Part 1)
Why the call to radical mission is not the solution to consumer Christianity.
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